European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement

The European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement Explained

For organizations seeking funding from the European Union, understanding the European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement is essential. The agreement sets out the rules, regulations, and obligations that apply to EU funding, and it is important to understand how these affect your organization and its project.

What is the European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement?

The European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a template agreement that sets out the conditions for EU funding. It outlines the legal framework for the grant, the rights and obligations of the parties involved, and the rules that must be followed for the duration of the project.

The agreement is intended to ensure that the grant is used effectively and efficiently, and that the money is spent in accordance with the EU`s objectives and priorities.

What are the obligations of the grant recipient?

The recipient of the grant is required to comply with a number of obligations. These include:

1. Project implementation: The recipient must implement the project in accordance with the agreed work plan, budget, and timeline. Any changes to these must be approved by the European Commission.

2. Financial management: The recipient must maintain accurate and complete financial records for the project, and must report regularly on its financial performance. All expenditures must be justified and reasonable.

3. Reporting: The recipient must submit regular reports to the European Commission, detailing the progress of the project and its impact. These reports must be submitted on time and must be accurate and complete.

4. Visibility and communication: The recipient must acknowledge the support of the European Union in all communication materials related to the project, and must provide the European Commission with access to these materials.

5. Intellectual property: The recipient must ensure that any intellectual property created as part of the project is properly protected, and that the European Commission is granted a license to use the intellectual property for non-commercial purposes.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

Failure to comply with the obligations set out in the European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement can have serious consequences. This can include the suspension or termination of funding, and the requirement to repay any funds already received.

In addition, non-compliance can have a negative impact on the organization`s reputation, and can make it difficult to secure future funding from the European Union.


The European Commission Annotated Model Grant Agreement is an important document for organizations seeking funding from the European Union. By understanding the obligations set out in the agreement, organizations can ensure that they comply with the rules and regulations governing EU funding, and can maximize the impact of their projects.