Isda Bilateral Qfc Agreement

As the global economy continues to expand, trade and investment activities have become commonplace. International financial transactions are executed every day, involving multiple parties and complex agreements. One such agreement that has gained immense popularity in recent times is the ISDA Bilateral QFC agreement.

The ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement, also known as the Master Agreement, is a contractual agreement between two parties (usually financial institutions) that provides a framework for executing over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) is the industry body responsible for developing the agreement.

What is a QFC?

Before diving into the specifics of the ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement, it`s important to understand what a QFC is. A Qualified Financial Contract (QFC) refers to a legal contract between two parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a financial transaction. These contracts are often used in the context of derivatives transactions.

What is the ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement?

The ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement is a comprehensive framework for executing OTC derivatives transactions between two parties. It provides a standard set of terms and conditions for the parties involved, reducing negotiation and execution time and ensuring consistency across transactions.

The agreement covers a variety of OTC derivatives transactions, including interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, and foreign exchange derivatives, among others. It also includes provisions for events such as default, termination, and closeout of the transaction.

Benefits of the ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement

The ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement offers a range of benefits for financial institutions. Firstly, it provides a standard set of terms and conditions, reducing the time and resources required to negotiate and execute individual transactions. This also helps to ensure consistency and transparency across transactions.

Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for events such as default and termination, helping to reduce the risk of financial loss in the event of unforeseen circumstances. This can help to improve financial stability and reduce systemic risk in the financial system.

Another benefit of the agreement is that it facilitates cross-border transactions, providing a common framework for financial institutions operating in different jurisdictions. This can help to reduce legal and regulatory complexities associated with executing international transactions.


In conclusion, the ISDA Bilateral QFC Agreement is a comprehensive framework for executing OTC derivatives transactions between two parties. It provides a standard set of terms and conditions, reducing negotiation and execution time, ensuring consistency and transparency across transactions, and reducing the risk of financial loss. As the global economy continues to expand, the agreement is becoming increasingly popular, facilitating cross-border transactions and improving financial stability.