Ticket Sales Commission Agreement

When it comes to the business of ticket sales, it is common for event promoters and ticketing companies to enter into commission agreements. These agreements determine the percentage of the ticket sales revenue that will be paid to the ticketing company for their services. In this article, we will discuss the key points to consider when drafting a ticket sales commission agreement.

1. Commission Percentage

The commission percentage is the main point of negotiation in a ticket sales commission agreement. The percentage can vary depending on the type of event, the ticket price, and the services offered by the ticketing company. In most cases, the commission percentage ranges from 5% to 20%. It is important to determine the commission percentage in advance to avoid any misunderstandings and disputes in the future.

2. Term of Agreement

The term of the agreement refers to the length of time that the commission agreement will be in effect. It is important to specify the duration of the agreement, whether it is for a one-time event or a recurring event. The term can be a fixed period or can be extended through mutual agreement between the two parties.

3. Scope of Services

The scope of services outlines the specific services that the ticketing company will provide to the event promoter. This can include ticket sales and distribution, marketing and promotion, event management, and customer support. It is important to clearly define the services provided to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.

4. Payment Schedule

The payment schedule outlines how and when the ticketing company will receive their commission payments. It is important to specify the payment method, whether it is through bank transfer, check, or other means. The payment schedule can be on a weekly, monthly, or event basis, depending on the agreement between the two parties.

5. Termination Clause

The termination clause outlines the conditions under which the commission agreement can be terminated by either party. This can include breach of contract, failure to perform services, or mutual agreement. It is important to include a termination clause to protect both parties in the event of a dispute or other unforeseen circumstances.

In conclusion, a ticket sales commission agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between event promoters and ticketing companies. It is important to carefully consider the commission percentage, term of agreement, scope of services, payment schedule, and termination clause when drafting a commission agreement. By doing so, both parties can have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.